Viber is another popular messaging app. In this article we will discuss how to link Viber Bot with LetsChat Viber Channel.
Viber channel can be accessed from the left hand side of the screen where all the channels are listed.
From Viber Channel, click on ‘Add New Viber Bot’. (as shown in the image below)
To create a Viber Chatbot in LetsChat it is required that we connect Viber Bot (from Viber Partner Account) with LetsChat by entering Viber Bot Token.
Note: Registering for a Viber Partner account to access Viber Bot Token requires an active Viber account (via Viber app).
To sign-up for Viber Partner account, visit
Enter the number you have registered with your Viber app. Viber will send a 6 digit verification code to your Viber app.
You will receive a 6 digit verification code by Viber in your Viber app.
Enter the 6 digit code sent by Viber to successfully login to the Viber Partner account.
By default the new Viber Partner account will require registration for the Viber Bot account. The down arrow represents the registration form for Bot Account.
Mandatory information required to successfully complete the Bot Account registration is
- Account Image (400px * 400px)
- Account Name
- Url (it gets auto populated but can also be modified)
- Category
- Subcategory
- Language
- Account Description
- Website Address (optional)
- Email address
- Location (plus Country)
- Viber Terms & Conditions.
Once all the required fields are successfully filled please click on the ‘Create’ button at the bottom of the form as shown in the image below (highlighted in Red).
We have successfully created a Viber Bot Account and have access to the Viber Bot Token. We will copy this token and paste it in LetsChat Viber Channel.
We have successfully connected Viber Bot with LetsChat Viber Channel.